Recently, I came across a book review that caught my eye and LOVED it! Naturally, I just had to reblog about it. Yes, I am on and you can see the board that I post about music books for children there. This particular post is about John Coltrane's Giant Steps. You can see the entire review at turtleandrobot.wordpress.comAre you familiar with the song Giant Steps? The raindrops provide the tempo, the box is the foundation and the snowflake is the harmony. Oh, and the kitten is the melody. It's a picture book for ages 4 and up. The reviews are 4/5 stars.John Coltrane's Giant Steps
If you are serious about wanting to learn this song and mastering it,
here is a link,
* Friday Freebie Improv Book *
You don't want to miss this!
Richard Grayson provides a link for his free improvisation handbook.
Offered at
Basically, you'll learn Pentatonic scales and how to improvise using just 4 chords.
Free Music Coloring Pages
Free printable coloring pages
So, I will say this a million times over... I highly recommend and endorse Mr. Willie Myette for Jazz instructions. You can find him at No, I am not an affiliate partner and yes, I used to be one of his students and am familiar with his lessons and products. I watch his videos on YouTube when I have the time (after all, I am a grandma of 5) and I think he is the best Jazz teacher online. So, if you like Jazz, please take the time and watch his style.
This hardcover book is about Florence Mills artistic life in New York. The book received 4/5 stars.
Harlem's Little BlackbirdSo, Jermaine Griggs over at Hear and Play has made available a music resource for the vocal artists called Vocals. I believe it's a 10 Disc system of learning.
John Coltrane - Giant Steps
Oh, another book about music that I reviewed... just in case you missed the blog post,
Book Review: Blueprint By Kirk Franklin Oh, how I love this guy. Do you have a favorite gospel song of his?

"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." B.B.King