Image by liquidsunshine49 via Flickr
The Pentatonic scale is probably the most widely used scale in the world. It can be found in all kinds of music, particularly popular and folk music, from countries as far apart as China and Peru. The Pentatonic scale is formed of notes 1 2 3 5 and 6 of the major scale. Starting on C this produces C D E G A - a five note scale, hence the name penta-tonic. If you know your scales that makes finding another pentatonic scale easy - it's just a major scale with two notes missing - notes 4 and 7!
For more information on pentatonic scales,visit:
You can Google Pentatonic Scales and Improvising Melody for free articles on line. I have received many letters from students asking me for tips on runs and riffs for the right hand. My response has always been do you know your scales? Let's start with the Pentatonic Scale. For the beginner, you might want to take a look at this short tutorial that I found to be very helpful and informative. Plus, DeepWaterMusic offers a background tape that you can jam along with here on their video. Enjoy improvising with the Pentatonic Scale and let me know how you do with your practice session. Just 5 mins. of your time is well worth the investment of piano practice... your on your way to improvising!
Piano Lesson: Improvising Melody Free Worship Piano Lesson from the publisher of "Pop Piano For Worship: The 30-Day Crash Course". As Seen In WORSHIP LEADER MAGAZINE!
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