With modern technology, you can learn how to play piano via YouTube, live chats on numerous online musician forums and now Talk Radio. I have found Willie Myette's music sites, uploaded tutorial videos on YouTube and his websites to be very informative. If you're looking for an online piano teacher, Willie is the one I recommend.
* Learn the piano - Radio show - 4/9/2009 pt1
* Learn the piano - Radio show - 4/9/2009 pt2
Part2 is where the meat and potatoes are if you're looking for a recipe to play the blues... Here's some good points to remember form this video:
* Chord Structure
1. A minor
2. D minor7
3. F7 ( F/Eb G )
4. E7
5. A minor7
Willie goes on to explain turnarounds. Like taking the last two measures of the blues form, changing it to other chords that take you back to the beginning. Turnarounds are not just found in blues but in pop songs also called "the hook." Last summer I posted on my other site "Gospel Turnarounds". If interested, you can see it at,
Stay with the video and you'll learn about Willie's Quartal Groove, natural 6th minor,
A B F#
We can stay on this subject of quartal grooves for a long time, but that's another post. In fact, you can browse through this post if interested in quartal voicings.
Have you heard of ghosting notes? That's where you're playing shorter and softer than other notes, E G# C/ F Bb D
I would like to extend the invitation to come aboard Willie Myette's online site!
JazzPianoLessons.com - Signup for 50 hours of FREE Piano Lessons.
Have you seen chords written out like this? G/B... what is it? Where do my hands go on the piano and how do I play it? We call them slash chords. Maybe I'll do a new post on slash chords because there is lots of information to cover. For now, you would play a G chord (G B D)in the l.h. with the B note in your r.h. Have you heard this fancy word root motion? That means whatever notes the bass player is playing. Well, we don't want to copy him, so lets play a different chord inversion like B D G. Now we've put in alternate bass notes.
If you're playing a G Chord and you want to throw in a transition chord, why not add a G7? Play G B D then play F B D. In fact, you could walk down chromatically in your l.h. (F,E,Eb,D)and that would sound so cool.
P.S. Ever wonder why we say in "music talk", why it wouldn’t be written 3b for i.e. ‘Eb’ instead of b3?” Jermaine Griggs at Hear and Play says "Well, because we say “flat 3″ or the “sharp 5,” instead of “3 flat” or “5 sharp,” it transposes the sign in FRONT of the note rather than after. That’s just how the terminology works.
Like the chord “C7 #9#5″
Pronounced: “C Seventh Sharp 9, Sharp 5″ or “C Seventh Sharped 9, Sharped 5″
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