You must be as automatic with chords as you are with words, to play piano!
If you have ever studied a foreign language, you will surely recall using vocabulary lists. Remember how many times you had to repeat each new vocabulary word in order to learn it?
Then, after a word became automatic, you felt comfortable anytime the word popped up - in a newspaper article, in conversation, or perhaps in your next lesson. This feeling, in turn, inspired even more confidence in your ability to learn new words. This systematic learning of a few words each day was important in learning that language.
Why not use this vocabulary approach in music? Why not begin your study of modern harmony by actually using some of the chords that you will soon learn to construct?
By memorizing ONE or TWO chords each day, you will soon become fluent in your new musical language, whether it be: Jazz, Pop, Rock R&B, Gospel, Hip Hop, or whatever!
Here's how it works...
Just imagine a typical practice session of SELF-TAUGHT (beginning) pianists.
First, they must HUNT for a chord (or a chord progression) that sounds good to them.
Then, because they're untrained, they must repeat every chord over and over in order to remember it. They must DEPEND completely on their visual, aural and tactile memory to find and use the chord the next day.
This is a valid, even necessary approach, but it provides very little intellectual control.
To summarize, you must repeat a chord, melody or chord progression many times! Take it slow at first.
Make sure you can remember how the chord is constructed (VISUAL); remember the sound of the chord (AURAL); remember how the chord feels to your fingers when you play the chord (TACTILE); and most important, remember the specific notes of the chord (INTELLECTUAL).

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